5:30 pm
According to the High Commission of the Republic, the estimated participation rate at 5 pm is 76,63%. For the record, the turnout in the 2018 referendum independence was 73,68% of the voting at the same time.
12:30 pm
According to the High Commission of the Republic, the estimated participation rate at 12 pm is 49.40%. For the record, the turnout in the 2018 referendum independence was 41.81% of the voting at 12 o’clock.
> 10 am
Since 8 am this morning, Caledonians citizen are voting in the referendum on self-determination. They have to answer Yes or No to the question : “Do you want New Caledonia to attain full sovereignty and become independent?”
France or independence
Under the conditions of the Noumea Accord, signed in 1998, and which gave additional autonomy to the island, the local population will have to decide whether to remain in France or to become an independent state.
+18,000 votes
The first of the three independence referendum was held on 4 November 2018. The No to independence won at 56.7% (some 18,000 votes more) against the 43.3% in favor of the Yes.

Election posters near the cathedral of Nouméa, capital city of New Caledonia.
Citizens or not
180,640 people are registered on the “special list of electors for the consultation”, approximately two-thirds of New Caledonia’s population. About 41,000 people are denied the vote because they were not born in Caledonia or arrived after 1994.
Get real-time coverage of this New Caledonia 2020 referendum on independence with live updates, analysis and results from The Pacific Journal.
French president Macron will address the nation after this second referendum.
- Main photo > 180,598 New Caledonians citizens are registered to vote for in second referendum of self-determination. Queue in front of the town hall of Nouméa, capital city of New Caledonia.